What's Shakin Bacon?

Hi, my name is Jordan Bond. I am a student at Ohio University majoring in Video Productions. Some of my favorite films are "Natural Born Killers", "Fargo", "The Dark Knight" and "American History X."

Saturday, January 15, 2011

14 Ways to Get Breakthrough Ideas

Running out ideas on how to come up with ideas?  Have no fear Mitch Ditkoff is here!  Mitch Ditkoff has posted an informative and beneficial article titled conveniently, “14 Ways to Get Breakthrough Ideas.” Ditkoff recognizes two different ways people view ideas. On one standpoint people believes is something inspires the innovator to come up with ideas, while the other perspective believes the idea is already there and the individual has tuned in and unraveled the thought.  Though he distinguishes the differences between the two, Ditkoff says people now are, “most likely a hybrid” of the two beliefs. Personally, I think the article provides excellent ideas to get ideas. Below are some of the suggestions that Ditkoff listed in his article that I found most motivating.  Want to check it out at this website and see other suggestions? Click here for the article. Click here for the website. 


Though I feel like this is the most important rule when trying to think of an idea, I think it’s a rule that many forget to use. Several people like myself, might have a vision or dream instead of “following” it through we convince ourselves that the idea is ridiculous and not worth trying. What’s the harm in pursuing desires? Someone told me when I was younger, “If you never try, you’ll never know what could’ve been.” Ditkoff explains that fascinations aren’t an accident instead they are significant. Fascinations are what drive us to create masterpieces!

In the beginning of my schooling it became obvious that math and science were not my “strong suits.”  I was apparently very right- brained and had minimal left- brained abilities.  Participating in exercises to “train” the left part of my brain and getting tutors for math and science, I became more and more educated in how to think using my left-brain. Once I began to think about what kind of career I would be able to excel at I knew it had to allow me to be creative. While my parents were worried about what kind of income and lifestyle a film career would provide, all I could focus on was all the possibilities it did offer me. I became fascinated with going into film production. Ditkoff’s suggestion to follow your fascinations I think is the most beneficial thing anyone could do.

                        1.) What new idea is fascinating you?
            The idea that has captured my interest is the Xbox connect. Never played with one yet… but the idea that a robot can trace movements and incorporate it to the screen is mind blowing! I think this new idea is even borderline scary, kind of like the whole “terminator” thing going on. Still, the idea that someone had to make this contraption is awesome and fascinating.

                        2.) What new possibility has captured your attention?
            The possibilities are endless every moment of our lives. The most recent possibility that has got my attention is the 48 shoot out coming up.  Just thinking about the challenge and how much work its going to be, makes me so excited about all the possible ways my group can film or make the story line. Since I’ve only been in one other film competition, the fact that there is a lot of chances to film and create is very thrilling to me. This possibility being available is something I am very happy about.

                        3.) In what ways can you honor this inspiration today?
            I can honor this inspiration by experiencing new things and taking on a challenge. The 48 shoot out is something that can help me learn how I need to take on any job in the future. Put all my efforts in it and get the project done and meet the deadline.

            The best way I can summarize what Ditkoff is explaining in this post is, 1+1 = 2 and 0+0=0. These are both valid and accurate. If you never expand your horizons, you’ll be stuck seeing everything as you always have. No new ideas come from what you already have seen or known! Ditkoff’s advise I agree with completely because sometimes after talking to new people and hearing their perspectives I can get ideas or expand my knowledge.  Connections only can lead to different place, when I think about connections I picture bridges. Making new bridges creates new paths for individuals to travel on.

Ditkoff titled this part perfectly! I completely agree with his advise on looking for happy accidents.  Sometimes the best things in life come without warning and without reason. When answers or ideas just come out of nowhere that’s when many just see that idea as something amazing or get taken back. Whenever I have ever had a happy accident I just feel like a genius, who is very lucky. With that being said I continue and look forward to finding more happy accidents. 

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