What's Shakin Bacon?

Hi, my name is Jordan Bond. I am a student at Ohio University majoring in Video Productions. Some of my favorite films are "Natural Born Killers", "Fargo", "The Dark Knight" and "American History X."

Monday, January 31, 2011



Seth Godin's article is about changing how you view things, how you can become a better version of yourself. Godin states that we have the resources and opportunities that weren't available before since we now have the Internet.  Since we have new ways of connecting to other people and changing the world around us, then all we need is to just have the will to do it and reinvent ourselves. Godin also reinforces the fact that we need to change, by addressing the rewards that come along with the change. He wants us to forget what school has taught us and stop following the rules and recreate our brains and way of thinking and that in the end will change everything.

“Art is an original gift, a connection that changes the recipient, a human ability to make difference. From my understanding Seth Godin is trying to say art can be anything that you are making new and changes things around you. It doesn’t have instructions on how to make art or what is considered art and anyone can do it. Art is taking a risk and trying to do the unthinkable, the impossible, or the “untouched”.  Yet, the art that people create that take the most risk guides us to the best rewards.  
The blogs for class Media 203 is my form of creating art. I’m creating new connections between other students and artists. Though I do not consider myself to be taking any real risks in making these blogs, but who knows! Maybe one day I can show a future boss my website and he/she could really enjoy what I have to say about certain topics, always think of new and unthinkable ideas. I would say blogs have helped me become a creative person also by allowing me to express myself by video postings, audio postings and writing down my thoughts.


What Godin I believe is trying to say in this particular point is that learning can occur everyday. Once you challenge yourself, or look at things in a different way; you are already learning new ways and adapting your brain to think differently. Forget what you think you already know and test your intelligence by learning things you need to know. THIS SHOULD BE A DAILY CHALLENGE! I for some reason think of the quote from "Mr. Deeds" with Adam Sandler,  "School is for fools, LOOK AT ME!"

Blogs have helped me become a better student in the sense of “learning”. I’m constantly learning new things and adapting my brain to think in different ways and how to portray the things I want to say.  I’m all for trying different things or seeing things in different light or view, and blogs have helped me view others’ ideas and thoughts about the same things I am learning and thinking about.

1 comment:

  1. Thank for sharing, I hope you keep posting in the future!
