What's Shakin Bacon?

Hi, my name is Jordan Bond. I am a student at Ohio University majoring in Video Productions. Some of my favorite films are "Natural Born Killers", "Fargo", "The Dark Knight" and "American History X."

Monday, March 7, 2011


Personally, I think our group presentation of Hell Charms interested the class with the out of the ordinary storyline of the game. However, there were some points that were not clearly or fully expressed to the audience. To review a little bit of what the game is about, you are playing the character of Lilith who is Lucifer’s wife. You have been casted out of Hell by a curse and must get the seven pieces of your soul in order to get back into Hell.
The first point that may not have been clearly explained is how you get the pieces of your soul. Every level has a different piece of your soul and the levels represent a previous life that the character had.  Basically, your character has had seven lives, and now needs to go back to each one in order to get the pieces.  As the levels change, so does who you are, what weapons you can use and what powers you obtained. Which I think is a great idea, because it is like creating one game that has seven mini games in it. Next line of business, once you are near the item, you will be challenged by monsters that guard every piece, this increases the anticipation of finding the next item if the gamer is into only the fighting parts of a game.
Another point that was not fully explained as well is the pet. During the presentation we mentioned that your character gets to choose a pet to help aid in finding items, fight off monsters with you or heal your injuries. However, we did not completely explain how it is possible. The main idea with having the pet is so the character can have a better chance of survival as well as assistance on searching for pieces. The pet is a computer program, and is programmed to follow your character around until you order it to do something, a.k.a. “Battle”, “Help I’m Hurt” and “ I Can’t Find It.”
My group overall could’ve made the presentation stronger by going into more detail about the aspects of the game since it is a complicated and complex idea. Another way we could’ve enhanced the presentation’s overall effect would be by providing better slides and examples of what exactly we mean about the game.
Though there were some weaknesses in the presentation, I think we had some really good strong points. The story line and plot is extremely well thought out and intriguing, not many video games have such mythological and adventures in one game. Which I think helped gain the audiences’ attention and interest into our presentation.  Also another strong point would be that our game is really never ending and can be changed with how you decided to control and play the game. So there are different outcomes, which I think is something people like to think about. A game that has multiple possibilities and only you can cause the outcome.

Objectives I think the most difficult concept to discuss with others.  Since objectives are elements a designer puts in a game that takes the player to different tasks, is a difficult concept to explain. The only reason I think it is the hardest is because when the designer has the idea and image pictured in his or her head, it might be hard to create for others to see let alone just explain what they are seeing in their head.

Mechanics is the easiest concept to explain to others because at one point or another many people have played a video game.  Since mechanics is about what buttons to press and what buttons do what, I think a simple manual or explanation of what the buttons would do the job. Also, it would be really easy to create a game that only requires very few buttons making the understanding of the game and discussion of mechanics extremely easy.

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