What's Shakin Bacon?

Hi, my name is Jordan Bond. I am a student at Ohio University majoring in Video Productions. Some of my favorite films are "Natural Born Killers", "Fargo", "The Dark Knight" and "American History X."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011



David Rendall's, FREAK FACTOR: Discovering Uniqueness by Flaunting Weakness is an article about not becoming the stereotypical well-rounded person. In fact it’s the opposite, Rendall wants people to regain their creativity and uniqueness while at the same time fixing their “flaws”. As he states, the basic three steps to self-improving are:
1.    Fix weakness
2.    Build on strengths
3.    Do BOTH
BUT… Rendall wants us to offer us a better alternative than the ineffective efforts to fix weaknesses.  After reading Rendall’s nine alternative suggestions, here are the three that meant the most to me.

What’s MY problem?
         When reading what Rendall had to say about his “problems” I could relate to what he was saying. Similar to him, growing up my teachers and family would tell me that I didn’t think conventionally… or better yet I was scattered brained.  Even once a teacher had to call in my mother to inform her of a standardized test I took in elementary school. See, there was a question on the test that asked if you have 3 blue marbles in a bag and 4 red marbles in a bag, what color marble would have the best chance of being pulled out? Seems like a simple question to answer, but no, I gave the answer…purple. Therefore, the teachers felt a little concerned with how my brain functions. It was evident when I was growing up I thought outside the box and gave strange answers to questions that a lot of people hadn’t thought of before. It was only until I was in high school that I began to use my creativity as my strength.
1.) There is nothing wrong with you.
Rendall is right! There is nothing wrong with me, I just think unconventionally

      2.) You find success when you find the right fit.
Rendall… you’re right again!  Film and creating different and unconventional things is where I fit in and I believe I will have success in the major I am in.

     3.)Your weakness makes you different.
WAVE YOUR FREAK FLAG!!! Who knows someone might like it!

FORGET IT! Don’t try to fix your weaknesses
         In this particular advise, basically tells us trying to “fix” your weaknesses… WON’T WORK!!! The logic behind such advise is:
>>> It is slow! Since it takes so much time to get anywhere on fixing our weakness why bother? Weaknesses are part of who you are therefore, it is a long and boring process to change who you were always meant to be.
>>>It is PAINFUL! OUCH! Who wants to be told over and over again that your weakness is still there, that it hasn’t been fixed or better yet, you don’t want to fix your weaknesses??? I know when I don’t want to do something, like eat steamed carrots, it’s the most painful experience I can go through!
>>>It distracts us from activities where we could make significant progress and find fulfillment. One, you’re wasting time, trying so hard to fix what doesn’t need to be fixed because you COULD be out and about doing things that add on to your strengths and abilities instead of dwelling on what you think needs to change.
>>>It doesn’t actually work.  Say you fix your weakness… will you still use it?
… I wouldn’t.

         In this section, it addresses… FREAKS!  It talks about the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Though buildings are usually supposed to be straight, this building began to lean after it was built. While most thought it should get fixed, it didn’t. Since then, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is considered a famous landmark, because the build itself is a freak. If one were to fix this building now, it would take away from its uniqueness and beautiful flaws. It would even possibly be said, that the “fixing” of the Pisa would actually make it flawed.
Now picture yourself as this AWESOME building, would you want to be straightened out and fixed? Who would want to see you then, you would be like any other building! BOO!!! As stated, it is good to be normal, but it is better to be exceptional!  So why would anyone choose to be normal? LET’S GO and BE FREAKS!

         Personally, I think my strengths and weakness compliment each other in a way for the creative process. My strengths include: being creative, being a social person, ability to be outspoken and still approachable, and being able to be open- minded. My weakness would include: not being very logical, sometimes need brainstorming with others if I get stuck in a brain freeze and taking too many people’s advise or ideas, it sometimes makes me have too many thoughts. 

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