What's Shakin Bacon?

Hi, my name is Jordan Bond. I am a student at Ohio University majoring in Video Productions. Some of my favorite films are "Natural Born Killers", "Fargo", "The Dark Knight" and "American History X."

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Karimanifesto and my manifesto

   Here and now is all we’ve got.

When reading Karim Rashid’s manifesto’s ten points,  “Here and now is all we’ve got” spoke to me the most. To quote an awesome movie, Kungfu Panda Master Oogway said, “ The past is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that is why it is called the present.” This point spoke to me the most because I believe that everyday you should make the most out of it, because we are never guaranteed another shot or another day. When looking at his manifesto and the work he does I can see a correlation of unconventional, and very creative ideas being portrayed. It seems like he creates what he is feeling because the pieces themselves are beautiful artwork. His website even is very different, he has symbols used to represent certain sections and also adds a musical melody when you scroll on them. It’s very different and unique.  I would say his spirituality informs his art because he is creating because he is into his present. He knows that today is what we have been given so make the best out of it. His artwork shows that he is creating the best of what he can because he knows that to not take everyday as a gift, it will go to waste. He also believes that we could be living in a different world.
“Design is about the betterment of our lives poetically, aesthetically, experientially, sensorially, and emotionally. My real desire is to see people live in the modus of our time, to participate in the contemporary world, and to release themselves from nostalgia, antiquated traditions, old rituals, kitsch and the meaningless.”
His artwork shows that he wants to take the step and give us the push to become this different world.


What is most important to live and to live creatively? Now that is a tough question. The most important thing to live and to live creatively is to be: passionate in everything you do, never give up on something you believe in, try your best even when things are falling apart, shoot for the stars, think you can, give yourself brain food, enjoy the experience, forget rules, support yourself and be EXCITED! In today’s world I feel like people just take the jobs that have the best salary or will allow them to have the cool car or house. In reality they hate their jobs and are slaves to what they do everyday. 
It’s extremely important to be passionate about what you do! IT’S YOUR LIFE!!! Don’t waste it by doing a job you aren’t in love with, because in the end you gain nothing from it but cheap money. 
Never give up on something you believe in. Sometimes when people tell me that sounds stupid or that won’t work, it makes me want to push my idea even harder and create what I thought to begin with would be awesome. In order to get anywhere in life, you have to take some risks and giving up on what you believe is basically saying you want to play it safe always. This will not help you live, or live creativity. Go out there and make the world your playground and make it the way you believe it is meant to be otherwise change will never happen.
Try your best even when things are falling apart. Once you’ve started don’t give up. Do whatever you can to make it your best still. Sometimes when things don’t go as planned many will give up and say well that’s all I can do. I can’t do anything else to make it better. TRY TRY TRY! These mishaps or mistakes can be transformed into a positive if you want it to be. Always look for other ways, which will help in your life and thinking creatively!
Shoot for the stars, why not? Life is way to short, why limit yourself to thinking only this way or that way is possible. If you want, there are endless possibilities out there for you to discover and accomplish.
THINK YOU CAN!!! I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard, “I can’t do it… I can’t do that… I can’t CAN’T, CAN’T, CAN’t!!!” That word needs to be taken out of the dictionary its overused. In order to be creative you have to think you can do anything, you can create anything or else you will be stuck with a mess that you don’t know what to do with because you can’t take control and do it.
Give yourself brain food… keep learning new things, keep up with the times and don’t just get adjusted to how things are. The best way to lead a creative life is to be constantly changing and learning, if you don’t you may find yourself with the same idea and nothing ever unique or different.
Enjoy the experience. I remember this years 48 shoot-out. I loved my crew and everyone I worked with. At the end of it all, we were late in turning in our DVD due to burning issues, but while everyone kept saying oh that sucks or what a bummer. I thought, no this still is our film, this still was an amazing experience and I’m glad I was a part of it. In order to live life creatively and just live you need to take in all the experiences you can.
Forget the rules. In order to live a creative life, you have to make your own rules and live life the way you want it to be. Life is unpredictable so rules have got to change constantly, which is why I would forget the rules.
Support yourself. You can’t depend on others all the time, now I’m not saying you shouldn’t be trusting but I am saying that you can’t just depend on others. You need to support yourself in life. It’s important because it gives you a sense of pride while also allowing you to build character.
Last but not least, BE EXCITED!!! Life and creating things you need to be excited in what you do and life in general. Life is a crazy ride, so hold on and make some amazing things happen.

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