What's Shakin Bacon?

Hi, my name is Jordan Bond. I am a student at Ohio University majoring in Video Productions. Some of my favorite films are "Natural Born Killers", "Fargo", "The Dark Knight" and "American History X."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

blog 7

For the joke videos, we created two different concepts of the joke about a blonde who walks into an elevator and keeps saying T.G.I.F. while the other person is saying S.H.I.T hinting to her it is Thursday.  The first joke, we decided to make it a Spanish soap opera theme and the second video, we decided to do a futuristic robotic theme to the joke. Rhythm techniques were used to contrast the two videos, while the space was used to compare the two videos.
The rhythm in the videos is an element that contributes to the contrast of the two. The rhythm of the Spanish soap opera video in the very beginning was choppy and had segments of the video cut and put together to introduce the characters in the joke video. This is a seen in typical soap opera television shows, so this rhythm technique really puts the audience in the mood or setting of a soap opera. As the video progresses the rhythm changes back and forth looking at Leon or Andrew as they say T.G.F.I and occasionally you see another character giving a reaction shot of what is occurring in the elevator. Then the rhythm changes again when Leon gets a number and smells the girls hair, it is slowed down the slightest bit to add that extra cheesiness to the story. The rhythm used in the robot video was very limited.  While editing we decided to make the edits as robotic as the scene and theme. As each level gets higher and higher we get the “break” from what is going inside the elevator.  We also changed the rhythm to speed up in the clips when the girl robot is getting more and more frustrated at the man robot. Overall, each of the rhythms puts the audience in the mood or feel of what they are watching.
Space was used to compare the two videos.  Since the scene of the joke was inside an elevator, the space we had was limit to flat. Limited space is used in the first Spanish soap opera video when Andrew is walking to the elevator, but as for the rest of the video it is limited to flat space. The robot video was pretty much flat space, which was intentional to give the viewer a sense of mechanical plainness and futuristic feel.
Both of the jokes were didactive because the joke was explained and tells the audience what to think at the end of the joke. There is no questioning at the end of the film what T.G.I.F. or S.H.I.T. means.  And there were a few contrasts in the films.  While the Spanish soap opera was in color, the robot video was filmed black and white.  Another contrast is, in the Spanish soap opera video had spoken audio, while the robot video only used mechanical noises and songs to express a language. 

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